Artificial Intelligence
AI. Lecture 1a. Introduction. Basics of Python
AI. Lecture 1b. Basics of Python
AI. Lecture 2a. Functions in Maths and Python
AI. Lecture 2b. Functions in Maths and Python
AI. Lecture 3a. Derivative
AI. Lecture 3b. Optimisation
AI. Lecture 4a. Simulated annealing
AI. Lecture 4b. Libraries
AI. Lecture 5a. Partial derivative
AI. Lecture 5b. Gradient descent
AI . Lecture 6a. Feedforward neural network
AI . Lecture 6b. Feedforward neural network
AI. Lecture 7a. Training of a neural network
AI. Lecture 8a. Recurrent neural networks. Google Colab
AI. Lecture 8b. Recurrent neural networks. Google Colab
AI. Lecture 9. Usage of the RNN